Dump Glitch

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Dump Glitch

Post by TommyCD1 »

So apparently the action of a dump truck leaving the depot can be cancelled. I built a depot on top of a blob and told the dump inside to get the blob immediately after unloading...
So the dump was collected straight from depot, when it was full, it attempted to search for a depot to unload to, but since it was already in a depot I guess the game considered it not on the map or something?

Code: Select all

!|debug_win32         :1378 |16:12:23|Attempting to RaiseException "FATAL" msg:SetNextDepot failed in SearchForDepot module:D:\Src\code\coregame_tasks\tasks_collector.cpp line:1352
!|debug_win32         :776  |16:12:23|[ E X C E P T I O N ]
!|debug_win32         :840  |16:12:23|Type:    ERROR
!|debug_win32         :841  |16:12:23|SubType: FATAL
!|debug_win32         :842  |16:12:23|Message: SetNextDepot failed in SearchForDepot
!|debug_win32         :843  |16:12:23|Module:  D:\Src\code\coregame_tasks\tasks_collector.cpp
!|debug_win32         :844  |16:12:23|Line#:   1352
!|debug_win32         :845  |16:12:23|Stamp:   (null)
!|debug_win32         :362  |16:12:23|CallStack:
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|74E8B782 KERNELBASE unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|004D167F amrts unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|0063857C amrts unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|005EF707 amrts unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|004B692A amrts unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|004B3E25 amrts unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|004038DD amrts unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|00401E94 amrts unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|74C98744 KERNEL32 unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|7751587D ntdll unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :620  |16:12:24|7751584D ntdll unknown [0000] unknown(0) [0000]
!|debug_win32         :385  |16:12:24|Registers:
!|debug_win32         :386  |16:12:24|EAX: 0019FB88h   CS: 00000023h  DS: 0000002Bh
!|debug_win32         :387  |16:12:24|EBX: 00000000h  EIP: 74E8B782h  ES: 0000002Bh
!|debug_win32         :388  |16:12:24|ECX: 00000006h   SS: 0000002Bh  FS: 00000053h
!|debug_win32         :389  |16:12:24|EDX: 00000000h  EBP: 0019FBE4h  GS: 0000002Bh
!|debug_win32         :390  |16:12:24|ESI: 105FDADCh  ESP: 0019FB88h           
!|debug_win32         :391  |16:12:24|EDI: 10962C7Ch                       
!|debug_win32         :400  |16:12:24| CF: 00000216h PF:0 AF:1 ZF:1 SF:0 OF:0
=|debug_win32         :271  |16:12:24|entering AtExit::Execute
anyway long story short, if a dump collects while still on the depot, the game crashes
I may not make the best maps, or be the best player, but I put a lot of time, effort, and care into my stuff. That counts for something, right? No.
"Can we order a pizza?"
GameRanger ID: 913974
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