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A way to save your MP games using trainer (playing solo)

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:11 pm
by Alex6129
Modifing a few bytes in the "ingame.x" file you can save your current multiplayer game (using trainer) and then load it after. But, as the game will load it in single player mode there are few issues whne you load a saved MP game:

-MP features will be disabled as the messages at top of the screen or the chat panel (in where all messages are stored).
-SP features will be available, as you can save again your game, use the cheat codes panel and pause your game.
-The minimap will show now only two colors, the greens (you and your allies) and the reds (your enemies), but units still can be differenced by their team colors.
-When you win or lose your game, you will see the SP victory/defeat screen (with always a Bronze Medal) instead of the MP final stats.

And the main issue is that when you load your game you (the human player) wiil be assignated another team different to the one with you started. This occurs when there are more than two enemy sides.

Then, ¿How to...?

Extract the file ingame.x (before make a copy of it) located in "Army Men RTS\client\p\" using the exe.exe extractor or the DrPack extractor. Then, in the extracted files search for a file called "if_game_keybind.cfg". Open it using WordPad or NotePad++, search for this block:
// Bindings based on single/multi player
Bind("enter", "iface.activate Client::Chat");
Bind("c", "iface.toggleactive Client::Comms");
// Save and load game
Bind("F8", "iface.activate Client::SaveLoad");
Bind("F9", "iface.activate Client::SaveLoad; iface.sendnotifyevent 'Client::SaveLoad' 'QuickSave'");
Bind("F10", "iface.sendnotifyevent 'Client::SaveLoad' 'QuickLoad'");
Simply copy the line "Bind("F8", "iface.activate Client::SaveLoad");" from the "Save and load game" and put it under "Bind("c", "iface.toggleactive Client::Comms");". The code will look like this:
// Bindings based on single/multi player
Bind("enter", "iface.activate Client::Chat");
Bind("c", "iface.toggleactive Client::Comms");
Bind("F8", "iface.activate Client::SaveLoad");
// Save and load game
Bind("F8", "iface.activate Client::SaveLoad");
Bind("F9", "iface.activate Client::SaveLoad; iface.sendnotifyevent 'Client::SaveLoad' 'QuickSave'");
Bind("F10", "iface.sendnotifyevent 'Client::SaveLoad' 'QuickLoad'");
Then, repack the folder "ingame" and it will generate a new .x file (if it is a .zwp file, rename extension to .x) and rename this file (if necessary) to ingame.x for replace the original ingame.x. Run the game with the trainer and during a MP game press F8 and save your game.

Note: When you load a MP saved game the trainer is not necessary.