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Lol Domp Truck coasted across the water

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 7:07 am
by Petas
I have tried a lot of modifications to the terrain and I still didn't know.

So I gave the Flat held the left shift and made the river.

Although still angry you dumptrucky left me nothing to do the following

Create a modification for the bridge and distribute 2 bridges

None the less, look at the Picture


the terrain is remade from the pic to the tga format.

I need help with bridges.

You can use this space?

Re: Lol Domp Truck coasted across the water

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:46 am
by TommyCD1
The dump truck is it's entirely own glitch. It has nothing to do with the terrain or bridges. You can put whatever you like there.