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spr_judas.god *CHUNKS FIX*

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:45 pm
by TommyCD1
"Looks like you just got lucky, kid. See that walkin hunka metal just came in? We don’t see many like him around here – he’s one of the Judas. Check out that armor, will you? That arm-mounted weapon he’s got is a Mortis beam – it’ll cut through a tank or even a building like a hot knife through butter. Not so bad against aircraft - but gets weaker at long range but if you met him on the ground you could kiss your hooey-vohs goodbye... Course he looks like a Castigar. The Judas useta be Castigars! Don’t they teach you kids nothin in the Primers anymore?"
Judas.png (8.83 KiB) Viewed 16085 times
Judas.png (8.83 KiB) Viewed 16085 times
The Judas was a late game heavy infantry unit. It sported dual wielded arm cannons, which dealt relatively high damage against infantry units. Similar to a machine gunner.
This .god file used to suffer from the infamous "chunks are dead baby" error. But no longer. This .god file has been patched to remove this broken feature, and can now be properly used in the Army Men RTS engine. To use it, simply extract the zipped files to your missions' or mods' directory, and then use the .god file inside a .cfg from there.
(90.23 KiB) Downloaded 353 times
(90.23 KiB) Downloaded 353 times
List of animations
  • default
  • Idle
  • Idle2
  • Move
  • Prefire
  • Fire
  • Postfire
Note: Unit particle effects, voice lines, and configuration not included.