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{W.W} China Map

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:19 pm
by {W.W}Ranger
There will be 2 versions of this map 1 unloaded which is not as full with stuff and
OVER loaded. When both are released you can downlaod which ever suits you. A challenge or a normal map V1 = normal V2 = Hard.
So heres version 1
VVV V1 W.W China map.


^^^ The map includes tents.

It is inspired by china and the longest river in china the Yangtze river where people fish... This will be the first city map. You gotta work together using the 2 resources. You must work as a team!!! If you don't you will fail to win. You gotta collect and attack as fast as you can due to computer speed. If you ever are doing a 7 vs 1 or a like 1-7 computers challenging you you may be looking at a loss for you. The only way to destroy these computers is if you hold every single main ground for resource's which is almost impossible to accomplish. The River may separate you from the opponent but it doesn't prevent him from crossing the tiny bridges.

^^^ just a sample of the map.

Background knowledge....
The Yangtze river is known for the longest river in China, which is the third longest river in the entire world. It was used for navigational purposes. It was able to keep the Chinese Alligator and Finless porpoise intact so they wouldn't be Extinct. One day the river a 2,900 mile river suddenly became dry that you could see the river bed. But then a day later it filled up almost instantly as if nothing happens. There have been legends on those events. It turns the question of such a large river could flood almost half of China so large. That it would dry up so fast. This legendary river is named the snake river.

Re: {W.W} China Map

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:30 pm
by Darth Dragon
why :(

Re: {W.W} China Map

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:38 pm
by Darth Dragon
4shared max file size is 200 mb

Re: {W.W} China Map

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:03 pm
by TommyCD1
I don't know if version 2 was ever released or was made, but here is the one shown in the video.
Very big map.
amrts 2019-08-31 20-17-04-30.png
amrts 2019-08-31 20-28-34-30.png
amrts 2019-08-31 20-30-04-31.png
amrts 2019-08-31 20-35-04-31.png
amrts 2019-08-31 20-36-04-30.png