Infuriating game bug?

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Infuriating game bug?

Post by ZeroX »


I have been playing Army Men RTS for a number of years but I am really starting to get frustrated by some of the flaws in the games design.

The main problem I have is that when you use the mine layer to drop mines, they are useless as the AI can target them with any unit and destroy them like they were an enemy unit/building.

It was my understanding the mines cannot be targeted by normal units, they can only removed by using a minesweeper?

In certain scenarios the mine layer can theoretically be very useful, but it's completely wasted if the AI can "see" where any mines are placed and destroy them.

Is this a bug that was never patched or am I not understanding the game mechanics correctly?

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Re: Infuriating game bug?

Post by Fenggo »

Maybe you put mines when you are seen by the enemy. I experienced the same thing. If the minelayer places a mine when the enemy does not see you, your mine cannot be destroyed.

*sorry if my English is not good
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Re: Infuriating game bug?

Post by TommyCD1 »

As said above, if the enemy team can see the mine layer placing a mine, then the mine will not be cloaked and can be destroyed by enemy units.

However, in multiplayer, even if the mine is cloaked, the enemy will still know where it is due to the way the AI searches for targets to kill. This can be both good and bad, as computer players who build mine sweeper will almost always destroy them, but you can also place a single mine somewhere far off and distract computer players very easily.

This trick of course does not work in campaign mode or against human players.
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Re: Infuriating game bug?

Post by unikc »

when enemy sees you place a *mine* "it will appear and can be destroy by enemy team with or WIthout MINESWEEPER"
if they not sees you place A *MINE* "it will not appear ont their radar or screen and *CAN'T* be destroy by any Troops *EXCEPT* MINE SWEEPER
Another day another idea 8) :C
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