Having issues with custom shadows

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Having issues with custom shadows

Post by FlamingC64 »

I am currently working on a custom tie fighter unit from star wars. I imported it into dr2 meshviewer and was messing around with the live shadow options. The meshviewer made a custom tga shadow for the tie fighter. However, I build the unit in game it doesnt have the shaodw.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix it? Also for some reason the tie fighter does not drop any blobs when killed despite having the create resource blob vehicle 1. I copied tmost lines from the chopper configs so I am lost on this one.
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Re: Having issues with custom shadows

Post by TommyCD1 »

I'm not too familiar with how the live shadow works, if it even works at all in Army Men or even ingame, so I'd not be able to help you much there. However, I know that if the object uses a generic shadow, then you can assign it to use a specific shadow texture instead of the default circular one. This can be done by naming the shadow texture the same name as your .god file, then appending '-shadow' to the end of the filename. You can also simply explicitly define what shadow texture the unit will use through its .cfg file.

Code: Select all

    RotateShadow(0); // default is 1
In this case, there isn't an existing texture for "army_shrap-shadow.tga" so instead Shrap is told to reuse the grunt's shadow texture.

As for the plastic blob, I am not sure why it wouldn't work. I'd have to see the code block to be sure. But some things to keep in mind are:
  • Plastic Blobs cannot be generated above water at all. If your unit dies on a cell with water, even if that water is completely obscured underground, no blob will be created.
  • A unit needs to have a purchasing price in order to generate a blob. Blobs are generated with 50% of the unit's purchasing price. This is true even if the unit cannot be purchased manually, such as the case with Paratroopers.
  • The vanilla plastic blobs are all "Plastic" based resources. This means that any unit that costs electricity cannot contribute to them. For example, a DumDum when killed drops a plastic blob containing only 25 plastic, while the 150 electricity is ignored.
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Re: Having issues with custom shadows

Post by FlamingC64 »

Thank you Tommy, this has helped me. I previously had the plastic set to 1 and build speed to 1 so I could test things easier. I set the plastic to 50 and the blob finally spawned when the unit was killed.

I also fixed the shadow issue. I guess I didnt give it a shadow before or something but I gave it a generic one and it worked.
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