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Bulldozer and Mine-layer

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:06 am
by {RaheeXF}

How do I command a (AI) bulldozer to construct pillboxes, guard towers and barbed wire posts at a specific place (X,Y,Z)?
Also, is it possible to tell an AI's mine-layer to place mines at random places?

Thanks in advance. :COFE:

Re: Important Questions

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:58 am
by TommyCD1
You can try to use trial and error to get an AI player to build in a general location you want by tweaking the placement rule's desired angle and distance values. However you cannot force a computer to build in a specific cell.

You can give an orderer of mines to an AI in the same manner you give it towers or any other building, and assuming it also tell it to use / build a minelayer, it will build mines as expected. However, they will still have to rely on a placement, which cannot be "randomized" or otherwise influenced very much.

Realistically, the AI is not very smart, especially when it comes to base building, and it should only be told to do so when it is absolutely necessary, such as in a multiplayer environment. If you are making a single player mission, then I would recommend simply giving it towers and mines manually through studio.

Re: Important Questions

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:08 am
by {RaheeXF}
I will give the AI towers and mines manually but I want the AI to re-build the stuff when player destroys them so the mission becomes interesting and cool. Meh. Thanks.

Re: Important Questions

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:21 am
by TommyCD1
Of course, assigning mines to base orderers like towers will make them be rebuilt when destroyed. It's just that getting a specific tower or mine into a specific single spot on the map is unfeasible. Especially given that when the building is lost and must be remade, the AI will prefer not to reuse the previous location anyway, instead opting to slightly reposition it. This can be observed in real time: try playing multiplayer and repeatedly destroying a computer player's towers. They will continue to rebuild them in slightly different spots each time, given the tower reached completion that is.