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Re: If you notice that your score or stats have changed

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:42 pm
by BaDBoY
Admins if there is any other then chicano ,First of all i told you the marshall's story
he didnt reported a game for ramy becaz his gf was dead and ramy knew tht ramy hadd no problems with marshall for no reporting that was just chicano who f--k his ass here and when he reported topic here he or may be you instantly gave him points and locked . We even did not get the time to see the topic and same was did with SAD"s topic. We saw his topic when that was locked / On the othr hand whenever we post a topic against true it is never reported by admins and keeps here for 3 or 4 days and the chicano report for tht topic but when thy post admins or chicano himself report instantly. We saw the topics locked . Is not that unfair ? we cant report for our members ?

now how did i got that chicano is admin
whenever chicano or chocalate post a topic they got their points instantly it means thy report for themsleves and marshall also told me tht chicano is cw admin .
Once Popo and leedo were playing i saw tht popo lost he reported mistakely for arachna and chicano was watching then tht report was deleted instantly. If there is anything wrong you can tell me.
if cw admin is not chicano then who the f--k are three people using that account and why are you hiding them ?

And admins why are you having problemms with me i just post topic here to get points or whenever i fell somthing wrong here i report if you dont want me to report here i will not do it... btw i have gotton points in all off my topics that is wrong ?

Re: If you notice that your score or stats have changed

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:47 pm
by BaDBoY
chicano wrote:
Kennedy wrote:raf why not lets quit this cw i hate ppl like this crying for pts ...
Were not quitting fonso, Were winning CW like we always have for the past many years. And we'll always be the best clan to show all that they can never pass us.

Let the others quit, Let the other clans give up. It only helps us, we already made supow stop playing cuz their too much of kids to CW like men. In the end our name will be 1st place anyways.

Remember fonso, Legends will live forever, we have to keep it that way.

lol that is day dreaming whoever wants to get f--ked comon i am here assholes :ROCK:
you just cant tke over mp3 hahaha :blah: :blah:

Re: If you notice that your score or stats have changed

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:13 am
by chicano
Master dude.. did you not read anything i said? Marshall thinks im CW Admin because he asked me for favors to delete reports before. Want to know why he asked me? Because ExF Wesley is my family and marshall know this, All i have to do is make one phone call and tell Wesley the ADMIN to delete the post. If you've noticed any times that a report has gotten deleted it is because i am already on the phone with wesley. If you notice maybe one of our topics got solved quickly it is because i ask wesley as a favor to look at them quickly. But never have i asked him to do something unfair.

So does that explain enough how reports got "deleted" so "quick". Does that explain everything? Cause it pretty damn should.

Anyways even if he does that he and all the other admins to get to the other posts eventually , even if its not right away. Sometimes its just so many posts they dont wnna do all of them at once.

1 more thing, im online gameranger all the time, if i was an admin im sure id be fixing topics more faster than the other admins do.

Evidence has been explained :C :C

Re: If you notice that your score or stats have changed

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:30 pm
by BaDBoY
[/color]dude why ur posts are fixex quickly not ours we even did not get time to see the posts when we see them that are locked on the other hand when we post something that goes on 3 or 4 days and at the last chicano reported for them that is not fair ..
Time should be given to us even to see posts so we can report for our members and wont be peneltilized . you guys did not give us time in marshall and sads topic even to see the topics that is unfair .. accept it dude and be a man dont be a kid

Re: If you notice that your score or stats have changed

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:47 pm
by Kennedy
chicano wrote:
Kennedy wrote:raf why not lets quit this cw i hate ppl like this crying for pts ...
Were not quitting fonso, Were winning CW like we always have for the past many years. And we'll always be the best clan to show all that they can never pass us.

Let the others quit, Let the other clans give up. It only helps us, we already made supow stop playing cuz their too much of kids to CW like men. In the end our name will be 1st place anyways.

Remember fonso, Legends will live forever, we have to keep it that way.
yea u right we still be the best.
Master wrote: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: i like dick :blah: :blah: :blah:
master stop saying bullshit theres no one saying its unfair or were admins... so if u dont like the cw because u loosing gtfo of here

Re: If you notice that your score or stats have changed

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:19 am
by BaDBoY
bby i can own you 1000 =)) =))

Re: If you notice that your score or stats have changed

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:30 am
by BaDBoY
cw is not over yet :DD:

Re: If you notice that your score or stats have changed

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:29 am
by chicano
lol im not gnna make this very long, idk why the admins do what they want to do but it just happens. Either way they get to each topic within time. You even said it yourself, you always get your pts.

Oh 1 more thing about marshall, didnt he piss off the admins in the beginning of CW? lol.

I remember when i post topic about ramy it is because ramy told me post topic for him. Not cause i wanted to right away. Before marshall come back to RTS and see the topic we all make joke about marshall what excuse he would use.

We all predicted as joke that marshall would come back and say someone die in his family. I said he would say "my dog die". Others say "Wtf my mother die". And many others say same thing he would use 1 of those excuses. He comes back the next day and says his "gf died". Lmao you dont know how much i started laughing. 6 random ppl that know nothing of marshall in real life but we predict what he was going to say.

Its really easy, especially when u know which ones are the liars. This turned out pretty long but whatever LOL :SWEET: :SWEET:

Anyways w.e happened happened bro just drop it, im tired of doing these paragraphs. i gave u ur report already.

Re: If you notice that your score or stats have changed

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:38 am
by chicano
OHH 2 more thing i remember!

1. Sads topic ; I told you i beat him 2x and i wanted his reports but u laughed at me and didnt do it. I didnt make sads topic until 2 weeks later. I couldnt find screenshot folder in my pc. And i told you about this and you didnt do it so thats YOUR fault. you did have time.

2. Marshall's topic, I gave him 2 days before i posted the topic. And marshall was not logging on and ramy was getting pissed and finally told me to post topic. So that was Marshalls fault for taking so long. So seems to me like you had time for both topics, 1 was ur fault , 1 was marshalls.

So dont bullshit about not having any time because u laughed at me many times when i ask u to report for sad. When i asked u to do it u kicked him out of the clan so i dont get my pts.

Re: If you notice that your score or stats have changed

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:30 pm
by GooDBoY..
Chicano refer log #29 i reported for sad 1 game. :D