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Re: Mods Questions

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:00 am
by {RaheeXF}
I asked, is there any way to make Wall Prop around the map not hills. Anyway, thanks a lot for your asnwers! 🏆😇

Re: Mods Questions

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:34 am
by {RaheeXF}
Some questions.
  • How can I make the hills using Rock.tga using the studio.importbitmap command in the console?
  • Is there any way to create Wall Props all around the map using any command?
  • The generated hills becomes white color in the terrain.tga, how to fix that?
  • What is unload rate in dumptruck.cfg? Is there any way to make the dumptrucks take plastic or electricity quickly or should I just edit all of the resource .cfg's LoadRate(5) to LoadRate(100) ?

Re: Mods Questions

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:00 am
by TommyCD1
  • You cannot. You have to paint the textures manually.
  • No.
  • Make sure that you aren't in wireframe mode, and also make sure that textures are enabled in the graphics settings. Also, if you are referring to the Dark Reign 2 studio, realize that it is very buggy, and simply may not work at all. Try launching the game with dgVoodoo2 and see if that helps.
  • The unload rate, or how quickly the dumptruck mines resources, is contained within the resource's own .cfg file. If you want to modify it, you will have to do so for each resource.

Re: Mods Questions

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:28 am
by {RaheeXF}
Thank you for your answers. I have more questions. Please, answer whenever you can.
  • How did the Creators made the Nursery build ants automatically in Lord of Ants mission in Special Operations? Do you know? If yes, please tell or explain.
  • How do I make a timer tab like the Blastoff mission in the Special Operations? Explain and is it about shell.x or ingame.x?
  • How are the icons of the units and buildings were made? Like, what did the Creators use, do you have any idea?
  • Can I create my own button for my missions? Like, the Special Operations is replaced on Save and Load but I don't want that. I want to create my own button and tab. Is that possible?
  • And the last question is, please explain more easily about the Bazookas and Snipers problem in my AI. I want to let the AI choose which one it wants to build. Like, it should choose Snipers or Bazookas to build. Is there any commands like RandomRecruit(1) or something? Please don't mind about this, I am just a 13 year old shit and I don't understand too hard explanation, so please try to understand and explain that more easily. Thank you.
Thanks again. :ROCK: :GAME: :blah: :W

Re: Mods Questions

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 5:49 pm
by TommyCD1
  • They made an objective that spawns an ant inside the nursery every so few seconds. They aren't actually constructed.
  • You could probably borrow it from S05 or from protect.x . It is defined through exec files, whether that's mission_exec.cfg in your map folder, or

    Code: Select all

    which is inside of your ruleset. You'll also need to define a variable that the timer will use, and the timer will only be able to tick down automatically.
  • They were painted manually by an artist. Most likely they were drawn on paper, and then scanned and digitally touched up.
  • Yes you can, however the reason I did not do this is because the main menu only has enough room for the seven buttons when playing at 480p resolution. You can use whatever interface you like when modding, but I had to be more accomodating for anyone who might have used my mod.
  • I'm working on it. There isn't a "simple" way to explain this, since not only was this game never meant to be modded in the first place, but random squad makeup is also not even originally within the realm of things this game was meant to handle. There's a work-around way, but it's relatively in-depth and I need time to make sure it can be done in full without missing anything.

Re: Mods Questions

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:01 pm
by {RaheeXF}
Thank you very much! Thanks a lot! ❤️😇

Re: Mods Questions

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:14 pm
by {RaheeXF}
Tommy, I made a new topic about "How to edit english.dat file?", please answer questions about english.dat file in that topic. Thanks.