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What is your Favorite Show or shows?

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:27 pm
by XxNaXuSxX
My favorite shows would have to be Family guy, robot chicken, Naruto and Wolfs Rain.

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:16 pm
by Dude_4TaCoZ
no.. no... no... this is your favorite show... [img] ... .jpg[/img]

yupp, i was bored :D:D:D


Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:32 pm
by E]x[F-WeSLeY

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:40 pm
by Dude_4TaCoZ
muwhahaahha >:D

Re: What is your Favorite Show or shows?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:42 pm
by Cima
Revive long and dead topics...!! :COFE: PS Naruto is badly over rated.

My favorite shows!? *evil smile* The titles are youtube links to examples or clips directly from them.

Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket 6 episodes which you'd have to be inhuman not to feel sad by the very last episode at the end. Released in 1989 it was the first short series of the Mobile Suit Gundam universe, and it kind of proves way I abandoned pretty much all American Scifi shows but StarGate SG-1. hehe

Moribito Guardian of the Spirit This was just wow when I first saw it, I was lucky walmart sold the entire 25 episodes in a single case for 39,95. It is fearly new actually, PS on the video the guy in green gets smacked in the face three times, in such a serious moment they hide humor, the show was brilliant. Quality of the show was very good, animation, backgrounds, the fact the main character was a bodyguard/warrior only a hand full of episodes actually had fight scenes, story wasn't the greatest but the environment they built around the characters was amazing since it's a completely fictional world.

Big O This one comical multi parody from Gundam, Getto, and Indian Jones explains it all.

I have a couple more but... the gosh darn window doesn't scroll, I can't type well now. lol

Re: What is your Favorite Show or shows?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:46 pm
by Cima
Changed my mind... I have to express the epicness of Gundam. hehe

Mobile Suit Gundam, been kicking StarTrek and StarWars in the bumpkin since 1979, they do not stand a hair ot Gundam. Episode wise Mobile Suit Gundam is officially the longest running Cartoon series of all times. If i make a list of everything Gundam I liked we'ed be here a while and even then thats not even a quorter of the Gundam Universe. Song in this video is the remake of Soldiers of Sorrow, Ai Senshi JP title, song by Gacki. Gundam is 31 years old and still standing strong, as the greatest Japanese Animated title to date.

Hehe full list of everything Gundam

Series Name Year Format US Release
Mobile Suit Gundam 1979 TV, 43 Yes
Mobile Suit Gundam (movies) 1981 Movie, 3 Yes
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 1985 TV, 50 Yes
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ 1986 TV, 47 No
Gundam: Char's Counterattack 1988 Movie Yes
Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket 1989 OVA, 6 Yes
Mobile Suit Gundam F91 1991 Movie Yes
Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory 1991 OVA, 13 Yes
Gundam 0083: The Afterglow of Zeon 1992 Movie No
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 1993 TV, 51 No
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 1994 TV, 49 Yes
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing 1995 TV, 49 Yes
Gundam: The 08th MS Team 1996 OVA, 12 Yes
After War Gundam X 1996 TV, 39 No
Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz 1997 OVA, 3 Yes
08th MS Team: Miller's Report 1998 Movie Yes
Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz 1998 Movie Yes
Turn A Gundam 1999 TV, 50 No
G-Saviour 2000 Live Action Yes
Gundam Evolve 2001 OVA, 15 No
Green Divers 2001 Short Film No
Turn A Gundam (movies) 2002 Movie, 2 No
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED 2002 TV, 50 Yes
Gundam SEED Special Edition 2004 TV, 3 Yes
MS IGLOO: The Hidden One Year War 2004 OVA, 3 Yes
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY 2004 TV, 50 Yes
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (movies) 2005 Movie, 3 Yes
MS IGLOO: Apocalypse 0079 2006 OVA, 3 Yes
SEED DESTINY Special Edition 2006 ONA, 3 No
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 2007 TV, 50 Yes
MS IGLOO 2: The Gravity Front 2009 OVA, 3 No
Gundam 00 Special Edition 2009 OVA, 3 No
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 2010 OVA, 6 Yes
Gunpla Builders Beginning G 2010 OVA, 3 In Production
Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer 2010 Movie In Production
Untitled Gundam SEED movie 20?? Movie In Production

Gundam Unicorn the newest of the Gundam OVA series is only going to be 6 episodes long, each episode will be nearly an hour long and take half a year each to make. First episode was released on DVD/Blu-Ray in a three continental release, in multipal languages, very expensive also for a single episode but after watching it, I proclaimed it the most epic 57 minutes of my entertainment viewing career. lol

Long Trailer for Episode 1 of Unicorn. The episode takes place two years after the Movie Char's Counter Attack from 1988, bringing back several old characters including the Anastasia of the Gundam World Minerva Zabi who is a monarch princess who lost her entire family during a short War that lasted only a single year. Used as a figure head by anti Federation forces like Neo Zeon Factions, she is now on the run with what is left of the Neo Zeon forces, being hunted as Terrorist as the Earth Federal Government cements it's hold over the entire Earth System.

Preview for Episode 2 of Gundam Unicorn very short. hehe Comes out this Fall

MS Igloo and MS Igloo 2, both full CGI short series based during the first Gundam TV series from 1979, the first was based around the Zeons, 2nd based around you can say penal battalions like units, in the Earth Federation, Federation cares little about casualties as long as they win, they have the Zeons badly outnumbered so they can afford loses. hehe

MS Igloo, rare do fans get to see Zeon soldier's point of view in Gundam, they are truely still fan favorites, despite being the enemy of the main characters there are more Zeon fans than Federal Forces. They had just 1/30th the military might but yet fought on for one long Year, in the end were defeated, but became one of the best and most repectable villian factions in TV history, gave Gundam gloating right of not really having "true" villians. In Gundam, villians are generals, political leaders, not the soldiers, often you find yourself crying for the enemies the main characters fight in Gundam, MS Igloo shows Zeon soldiers used as pawns, and it's a very sad story. Zeons are kind of like Space Nazis, and they truely are, they have bad rulers but you can't help but respect the soldiers who are dragged into their war. MS igloo shows a Technical Testing Unit, who test experimental weapons, but are always ordered to go into harms way with those weapons, often those weapons are fake, or already cancals and sent really as deperat attempts to reinforce their badly undermanned battle lines, but the whole time they low to this Unit of Test Pilots and Scientist, and the end they get stuck fighting in the largest battle of the Entire War, on the front lines using what can be called literally slap to gather toys just useable enough to inflict damage to the enemy.

Time to Salute the greatest Soldiers in Scifi History! hehe

Ahh the battle of Odessa, charge GunTanks Charge! hehe