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Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:52 pm
by E]x[F-Sniper
So apparently the site was down for a couple weeks, I updated my password and apparently forgot to update it in the configurations. My bad peeps... my bad.

Re: 2018/03/10

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:03 am
by TommyCD1
Hey Sniper, don't mean to be a burden, but the forum is having an old issue again where new posts have their proper icon but do not become highlighted in yellow.

Also P.S. do you have a source image for the :kittty: ?

Re: 2018/03/10

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:17 am
by E]x[F-Sniper
Yup... I updated the software recently. Apparently I can never have a flawless update. That is why I try to have as few forum mods as possible because they all fall apart during an update. I'll look into it later, that seems to be a theme issue. As for the the cat, that's how I found it.

Re: 2018/03/10

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 4:34 am
by TommyCD1
That's cool. I understand the whole issue with fix one thing, no matter how minor and it all goes to hell. Making mods for this game has taught me that. :P

And also this post was highlited so it seems to be good again...

:kittty: :kittty: :kittty:

Re: 2018/03/10

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 4:46 am
by E]x[F-Sniper
Yeah it looks like it should be fixed now.