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8-Swamp Release

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:50 pm
by Nullen
My 2nd map for AMRTS, I like to think this one's a lot better than Desert Disaster. A detailed Vietnam-ish jungle environment full of trees and river bends located somewhere in Grey Nation territory, plenty of chokepoints and flanking routes are present throughout the map. To the far left is an island rich with resources, and whoever controls it will gain a significant advantage. My main goal with this was to make something that both looks pretty and is fun to play, I guess whether or not I was successful in doing so is up to those of you who DL this

-Sarge can now build Jerry Cans and Sandbags, though they really don't do anything useful. BUT they don't take up the unit limit, so YAY I guess..
-Machine Gunners have been buffed slightly. They do one more point of damage per shot and effectiveness vs helicopters has been raised a little
-Minesweepers are now armed with flamethrowers while still retaining their minesweeping ability, which means some AIs from the AI pack are capable of using them.
-The in-game music has been changed to accommodate the Jungle environment, quite possibly the most important balance change anyone could ever make

Build time: uhh 4-5 days in total I guess

Screenshots (slightly outdated):

Have fun! ... pFinal.rar

NOTE: Requires the ported Dark Reign 2 Jungle world. Get it here
NOTE #2: If any of you try stealing credit for this and rebranding it under some shitty clan I will find you

Myself for making the map
TommyCD1 - Porting the Jungle World
Scarecrow - Loading screen image

Re: 8-Swamp Release

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:27 pm
by E]x[F-Sniper
I haven't tried the map but I really like the angles you captured. Maybe I can use them for some graphics if you don't mind. ;)

Re: 8-Swamp Release

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:01 pm
by Nullen
Absolutely dude, go ahead!

Re: 8-Swamp Release

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:03 pm
by E]x[F-Sniper
Hey man, so I tested this map and I want to give you some constructive criticism to help you build a better quality map. I know it's your first release and you are learning and so I want to give a bit of advice.
  • I guess right off the bat, I noticed the starting positions almost seem random in relation to the map. They are kind of randomly scattered which obviously can give a player an advantage. Usually we try to make the starting points as proportionally even as possible. Think of the map as if it were a grid and space the starting points evenly.
  • There seems to be little contrast between the map and the water that doesn't flow easily on the eyes. I would probably make the water a darker color just to give it some contrast.
  • Make sure you allow enough space around resources so that dumps don't get stuck. I noticed in some areas only like 2 dumps would collect while the others were stuck waiting.
  • You are missing some images on the build menu for sarge. You can always use the file "if_game_portraits.tga" as reference and edit the images and rename the file under a new name like "if_game_portraits2.tga". Then point the image to that new file in your map. You can look at some of my maps if you don't know what I mean.
  • I like the idea that sarge can build sandbags and jerry cans but I don't understand what the purpose of the jerry cans is? I would image that Sarge could build jerry cans in an enemy's base and then shoot them to blow the base up faster but that is not the case.
  • The map itself is relatively large (44.3mb) You can always re-encode the music to like 112kbps to maintain acceptable quality and keeping the file size as low as possible.
I hope you take this as constructive criticism to help you become a better map maker. I like the main idea of this map but I feel like it has way more potential. I'm not saying you have to change this map but just think about these things when you build your next map. Like I said, I know you are new to map making but I rather you make a few good maps than a bunch of unplayable ones. Otherwise, what is the point.

Re: 8-Swamp Release

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 11:30 pm
by Nullen
Duly noted man, thanks for the feedback! Yeah I agree, the dump trucks are really frustrating to deal with when they're all crowding around one resource. I'm not entirely sure how to make them try and find their own source to harvest from. The plan with the jerry cans was for your units to be able to target them but as you can see that didn't quite work out. I'll also take the spawnpoints into account in my next map, I really like making asymmetrical stuff though so that'll be a tough habit for me to break

Re: 8-Swamp Release

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:28 pm
by E]x[F-Sniper
Asymmetrical maps can be useful where there is a specific mission to accomplish on the map. Say you have to get from point A to point B before the timer runs out. They are also good for single player vs AI. I stick to the grid just to give everyone the exact chance of winning.

8-Swamp World Fix

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:12 am
by TommyCD1
This world was built and released using an older version of my DR2 Jungle world conversion. As a result of continued updates to said world, this map no longer runs. I'm attaching a patched version of the map that is able to run on the latest version of the world.

Specifics that I changed:
  • Added a types.cfg file to only include required assets. Not necessary, but it helps very bad PCs load faster since it doesn't need to load as much into memory, and it also helps in preventing any conflicts that may arise, such as...
  • Desert Ocean tree props are now included by default with the Jungle world, so they no longer need to be included through types_mission.cfg. In this case, they were included under a unique filename, which with the previous lack of a types.cfg file caused the tree to be defined twice, creating a conflict which crashed the game.
  • Props borrowed from other DR2 worlds were left outdated as well, resulting in them using physics types that no longer exist. This has been changed by borrowing the latest versions of these props from their respective worlds.
    • deserto.prop.guardtower01
    • deserto.prop.guardtower02
    • sprawl.prop.dwelling01
    • sprawl.prop.dwelling02
    • sprawl.prop.dwelling03
  • Props borrowed from other DR2 worlds did not have their footprints copied over, old versions or otherwise. Those have been included, as updates have changed some significantly, especially in regards to Chopper movement.
  • Balance changes made to taelon resources are reverted for this map specifically, as this map was created and possibly balanced around the old resource values. Specifically:
    • Depleting resources: 1,050 capacity → 3,000 capacity.
    • Infinite resources: 60% mining rate → 100% mining rate. ... mp.7z/file