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Help me with creating a resource object.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:14 am
by Petas
I'm trying to create a new 3D model for extracting raw materials.
But dumptrucks only benefits from a single point.
How do I add more points for mining in the 3D Max?
:GAME: idk

Re: Help me with creating a resource object.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 12:00 am
by E]x[F-Sniper
This image will give you an idea of what an object should look like. This is a sample of the batteries I created in 3DS Max 8.
Notice the hp-resource# and hp-resource-move# points. In this case they are made by using simple pyramids.

The green pyramids are the hp-resource# This is where the dump trucks' beam will hit and collect from.
The blue pyramids are the hp-resource-move# This is where the dump trucks will move to and stop, then shoot their beam at the green pyramids. So hp-resource1-move will beam hp-resource1. (Colors don't matter, they are just for identification purposes.)

Since I created hp-resource1, hp-resource2, hp-resource3, and hp-resource4, I also created hp-resource1-move, hp-resource2-move, hp-resource3-move, and hp-resource4-move and connected them in the schematic view. Reference the image I posted.

So this resource object will attract a total of 4 dump trucks.

As an added bonus, I also show the sp-0 layer. The minimum size of the sp-0 layer is 1 cell in the grid or 8m by 8m. The sp-0 layer is used so that no other units can walk or run over your resource object. Without it, the dump trucks will simply past right through the batteries.
Also, the sp-0 layer and hp-resource points will not be visible in the final export.

Re: Help me with creating a resource object.

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:36 pm
by Bowser7372
How bout a lying shovel? Instead being stuck on the ground, just do it lying; just with a little positional tilt. Same thing for the "tank" truck, the top, the Peachy's in the sand (plastic). For electricity I guess a calculator would be good

Re: Help me with creating a resource object.

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:25 am
by Petas
ExF - Sniper, Help me please idk