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("Hello World");

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:18 pm
Hey all, I'm JuLY.LION, or just JuLY. I've been playing Army Men RTS on PC for as long as I can remember. So about 12 years.
I was originally playing with our disk copy and CD reader. It eventually became scratched enough to where it was so longer usable. So in 2018 I bought a digital copy on GOG and being able to play this again was awesome.
In January of this year, I found this forum. Finding out there's still a community for this game long after it's lifespan has ended has been a real joy for me, and using these quality of life mods like uncapped FPS and more squad slots have been wonderful! :D 12-year-old me would be envious that present me gets to use the Studio Editor to create new missions and modify existing ones.
Nowadays, my little siblings are about the age I was when I first started playing, so I've introduced them to the wonders of AMRTS. They now get to have the multiplayer experience I couldn't have as a kid. Seeing them play this together is way better than them becoming iPad kids.
I've been lurking here on the forums as a guest all this time, but seeing the new overhauled editor, I decided I could at least make an account and show my appreciation.
Thank you all for keeping this forum online even after all these years! :SWEET:

Re: ("Hello World");

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 4:50 pm
by TommyCD1
Well, hello and welcome. Things are a bit slow around here, but so long as the forum is paid for, I'll be around on it. :kittty:
The studio editor should be coming along more in the future though, so feel free to poke around with it. I've found that nothing has enhanced my experience with this childhood game more than being able to modify it to create practically anything I desire.

Re: ("Hello World");

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:18 pm
by E]x[F-Sniper
Yeah what @TommyCD1 said lol. Things are a bit slow but there is plenty of posts to look through. Enjoy.