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(Educational Purposes) Simple Hater Exposed...

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:39 pm
by {W.W}Ranger
W.F.H Storm is a cuber bully will you take a stand for it?
^^ jsut a influence headline lol. Felt it was fun to put it up there.

Recently Wolf has informed me T l S Storm aka W F H Storm is trying to take w.w down.
PS HES NOT EMC STORM << just so theres a no confusion

To my studies hes a stalker... A source has told me he made a site talking bad about me...

How I play... like in max rush I spam bombs etc and rush to fast.

He also wants me to tell him and HIM ONLY HOW TO EDIT MAPS. He calls me selfish for not sharing information about everything. He built up anger against me while I was gone created a site and spilled everything he knew about me.

He rebeled on our clan spilling fake information about the clan which made wolf want to change the name.

I don't care if our clan is full of noobs having noobs doesn't make a clan bad. A bad clan is abandoning everything you have over a single person.

A good clan is being nice to people cooperation making friends with other clans. Plus it's just a game I can't stress that saying enough.

Also clans are not suppose to have a motive to bad talk other clans to make lives miserable what kind of person are you? A BULLY
I care for everybody. But if you make fun of people for no reason you have no right to live your life. I need everybody to take a stand up for others.

People in amrts these starters are being called noobs. One kid said I feel like I should kill my self all these people are calling me a noob (True Stories)
I felt sorry for this kid I told him \
"You're not a noob it doesn't matter what they say.They are fogged by a game that is taking over their lives. "

/ I played a few games with him the kid. He was pretty new I said " all it takes is practice you will get there. I recommended he joined a clan like T l S. He did and became really good.

^^^^^ just an except.

"My point is if you have nothing good to say say nothing at all!
I want you guys to do simple things like this say its just a game and save everyone's lives for better choices in our futures."

I hope you take a stand Ranger/Lee

Re: (Educational Purposes) Simple Hater Exposed...

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:16 pm
by {W.W}Ranger
Wfh storm said...>>>>>Well as you may know our main goal is to destory those {W.W} Dogs.They hav done much to me and to many Ex memmbers of W.W so we made this clan together "Anything is possible". Heres the b---hes who run this clan> "Second in command" > Ranger a low life little b--ch who sits in his fuckin Chair making maps with photoshop always saying hes the best in AMRTS MAxrush Cant you prov it Ranger Can U your not the only one slut.<<<<

Look at this. Wrong wrong and triple wrong. Those I think are the best are Sniper Methusalah Emc Storm Ruhani sakura (YUCHER ARCHER << my top 5)

Plus I've learned piano how to play sports.

Simple Motives = DESTROY W.W Anything is possible? This is an established action of the evils of bullies. Plus im only 13 years old. Oh and I forgot lionheart ramy wesley robojew are part of the best.

All i am is a map maker. I'm not good at playing amrts. I actually suck. I'm only good at those special maps. Expect to beat me. Even if you don't it doesn't mean your not good it just means that I got lucky.

+ how am i a slut if im a kid who gets good grades and cares about my own future hmm?


Re: (Educational Purposes) Simple Hater Exposed...

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:29 pm
by Cima
Okay I am now 100% completely lost after reading that..... But Cyber Bullies do suck badly!

I remember on Jedi Academy I got so fed up with the server host of the server I played on that I got his entire guild to turn on him, even the guild leader, despite that he hosted their server! He was a complete jackass all the time breaking their own rules using "My server" as an exuse to do so. Well I got into an argument with him, it somehow went over to forums, and even MSN messenger.

In the end, he was kicked out of the clan, everyone hated him, I just sparked the revolt, he sicked his Girl Friend on me thinking she was bitchier than me, nope. It was quite enjoyable when she told me I made him cry. But that just made me ever so happier.

Re: (Educational Purposes) Simple Hater Exposed...

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:26 pm
jedi academy ftw